The Tale of Topical CBD Oil

What Is Topical CBD & How Does It Work?

When we talk about topical CBD, we’re referring to the range of lotions, balms, sprays, and other skin-care products made from cannabidiol, a natural derivative of marijuana and hemp plants.

CBD works differently in our bodies than THC, so CBD does not cause the same “stoned” feeling when it is ingested. This is because it binds to different receptors in the endocannabinoid system, a part of our bodies responsible for regulating appetite, mood, and memory. Some of the same receptors may also be activated when you apply topical CBD oil products to your skin. (1)

CBD topicals are sold in both pure oil form and combined with other natural oils for added sensation or aromatherapy effects. When applied properly, they may help offer relief from discomfort, stiffness, and inflammation. They are an excellent choice for people of all ages looking for products that do not need to be ingested or smoked, though our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any diseases or illnesses.

Uses of Topical CBD Products

Topical CBD oil offers a range of potential benefits. Here are a few:

  • These products are all-natural with no dyes or toxins (or at least they should be—always check your labels before you buy).
  • You can mix your hemp salve or lotion with your favorite essential oils.
  • CBD topical oils are moisturizing, protecting against dryness and maintaining the skin’s elasticity.
  • Topicals are legal.
  • Topicals work immediately; other options like CBD edibles can take a while to kick in.
  • Cannabinoids are potential antioxidants, antibacterial agents, and anti-inflammatories. (2) (3)
  • CBD products used externally possibly help ease discomfort and may offer joint support.

How to Apply Topical CBD

Unlike ingestible CBD, which can provide pain relief for the whole body, topicals work only at the point of contact, because they are not absorbed into the bloodstream. Making sure that you understand where the pain is coming from will improve the effectiveness—for instance, a headache could stem from a tense jaw, and sore legs may indicate an issue with your back or hips.

To use a salve, simply rub a generous amount all over the areas of your body where you feel discomfort or tension. Our skin does not generally absorb cannabinoids well, so be sure to use a liberal amount and repeat the application if needed.

Here’s how to make sure your CBD topical works well:

  • Clean and dry the area thoroughly before application.
  • Start with a small amount of the product, and rub it into the affected area using slow, medium-firm circles.
  • Allow the product to penetrate the skin, and apply more if necessary or if your skin is very dry.
  • You should notice a calming, fresh effect on that area almost immediately, but this might be subtle, so you can feel free to repeat the process as many times as needed.

A Win-Win Solution

If you suffer from muscle discomfort, tension, skin issues, inflammation, or related problems and are looking to give CBD a try, check out our top-quality topicals.

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