Have you ever wanted to learn how to make your own CBD edibles? Making your own CBD edibles is not only a great way to save money; it’s also the perfect way to make snacks you love that contain exactly the right cannabinoid content for your unique health needs and taste.
If you’re curious about what it takes to make your own CBD edibles, now’s your chance to find out! Here is an overview of how to start making these tasty treats in the comfort of your own home.
Difference between CBD Edibles and THC Edibles
CBD is a cannabinoid just like THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), both of which are found in marijuana. Eating THC can be very intense, but CBD oil only has small amounts of THC, so it does not produce the “high” associated with THC.
What’s so great about making CBD edibles, anyway?
CBD edibles are great alternatives to THC-based edibles because they can offer relaxation and pain relief without the intense high that is often felt with smoking marijuana or eating THC-based food.
Cannabidiol edibles make the ideal alternative for those who don’t want to smoke, who can’t smoke, or who find normal marijuana-based products too strong. Edibles also tend to have a more gradual onset but last longer.
CBD edibles can make up a healthy part of your regular diet as CBD oil is rich in Omega-3 oils and amino acids. Edibles are also a great option for people with food restrictions or even those who are just plain picky when it comes to food.
Making CBD edibles is a fun way to experiment in the kitchen. When you have a bit of time and the right ingredients, it’s a rewarding way to spend a couple of hours.
Preparing to Make your CBD Edibles
As fat-soluble, hydrophobic substances, cannabinoids are best combined into oil-based products like butter and oil. To make CBD edibles, you first have to either buy CBD oil or make the oil or butter yourself.
So, which should you make? It depends on your end goals and preferences.
There are three different ways to make CBD oil: CO2, solvents, or oil.
- The CO2 method is safe and clean; however, it requires special equipment.
- The solvent method requires specific expertise and precision and is not recommended to the general public.
- Extracting CBD oil using a carrier oil like olive oil is probably the simplest of the three and is also very beneficial for your health.
Instructions for extracting CBD oil at home
Only certain strains of cannabis offer the best-quality CBD. If you are growing your own, you should know that some strains have a high content of THC and CBD as well. Two good examples of high CBD/low THC strains are Avi-dekel and industrial hemp.
Find a strain of plant with a high CBD and low THC level. As you prepare, you will need to ensure that you have a well-ventilated area. You should also have a solid understanding of how much CBD oil you would like to have in each treat and calculate this ahead of time.
To extract the oil, you will need a cup of carrier oil (virgin coconut oil is great) and 14 g of the right type of CBD buds.
CBD Extraction Instructions: (adapted from naturalon.com)
- Grind the entire hemp plant, and put it in a canning jar with the carrier oil, placing the lid on tightly.
- Put the jar and a washrag in a saucepan with a few inches of water, and bring it to just below boiling, leaving it there for 3 hours and replacing water if it evaporates.
- Using tongs or oven mitts, give the jar a shake about every half an hour.
- When 3 hours are up, turn off the burner, and cover the pot with a towel.
- Allow the jar to cool for 3 hours, then repeat the process, leaving the jar in the pot with the towel on it overnight.
- Repeat the process over the course of a few days for stronger oil.
- When you have your oil, you can strain it through a cheesecloth.
If you are using CBD oil to cook, you should note that the boiling point is a maximum of 180 degrees C. These types of oils are sensitive to light and heat, so you should store them in a dark glass bottle and in a cool area.
DIY edibles aren’t for everyone. Some people prefer not to deal with the hassle of cooking and choose to buy CBD edibles. CBD comes in a wide variety of formats, including capsules, concentrates, and topicals. Looking to purchase CBD oil? Check out our list of the best CBD oil products.
What Recipes Can I Make With CBD Oil?
Now that you’ve made or purchased CBD oil, you can start to make edibles. CBC oil is an extremely versatile substance that can be mixed into many different foods, including smoothies, salad dressings, and sweet snacks such as chocolates and lozenges. Or take a look at our high CBD edibles.
Once you’ve got your CBD oil or butter, what’s next? A quick Google search will lead you to a gazillion recipes for a whole range of sweets — and there’s so much more to make than just brownies!
Here are a few ideas (remember not to heat your oil above 180 degrees C):
- Top your popcorn, potatoes, or toast with CBD-infused butter
- Add the butter to your favorite brownie or cookie recipe
- Use CBD oil just like other cooking oils to saute vegetables
- Add the oil to sauces and salad dressings
- Add CBD oil to pasta — it tastes especially good in cream sauces
- Use CBD oil to make oven-baked vegetable chips or roast veggies
- Use it in spicy Indian or Thai curries to hide the taste of the oil
- Use your oil in your morning smoothie to help you combat daily anxiety
- The oil can also be used in alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks and can even be brewed into beer!
There’s so much you can use CBD oil and butter for — the possibilities are endless.
It’s a good idea to start with very small amounts when you’re first experimenting with CBD oil in the kitchen as the flavor can be quite strong. And don’t forget to get creative and have fun!
Why Make Homemade CBD Edibles?
CBD is safe and versatile with no side effects. The beauty of making your own edibles is that you can choose the exact amount of CBD oil or butter that you want to have in your food. And you can make a range of edibles that are not only tasty but even healthy.
Unlike THC-based edibles, you’ll be relaxed without having to worry about feeling “stoned” to the point where you may experience paranoia or anxiety.