There’s a variety of hemp supplements and products available on the market today. Confusion can start to set in when we are unsure of which ones are right for us.
- Am I looking for something with CBD oil in it?
- Where’s the plain, old hemp?
- What makes a cannabis plant hemp and not marijuana?
In order to really get the best out of your hemp usage, be sure to recognize why you’re using it and to what end. Some clarification of why someone would want to use hemp oil as opposed to CBD oil is in order!
What do you mean by “hemp supplements”?
By now, most of us understand that industrial hemp and marijuana both come from the same plant, cannabis. However, industrial hemp, while containing concentrated levels of CBD, has very low amounts of THC (the chemical that induces intoxicating effects in marijuana) and cannot get you “high.” HHO provides lots of informative articles if you’re interested in hemp vs marijuana. They can help provide some clarification for you if need be. This being said, industrial hemp provides you with high amounts of CBD for a healthy and effective alternative to medical marijuana.
So what about regular hemp? This is where there might be some uncertainty about CBD oil and hemp oil. This very topic had the Hemp Industries Association recently releasing a statement on the differences between them. From this statement, we can see that CBD oil is made from what is known as “industrial hemp.” This is produced from the flowers and stalks of the plant, which are up to 15% CBD (that is, 150,000 parts per million (ppm)). Hemp oil, however, is derived from pressing hemp seeds, which only contain, on average, 25 ppm. Industrial hemp oil and hemp oil, while both containing very low levels of THC, have widely differing amounts of CBD content.
CBD oils or supplements, also known as “industrial hemp” are, of course, high in CBD and are great alternatives to medical marijuana. Non-CBD oils or supplements, also known as “hemp seed oil” or just “hemp oil,” are natural and nutritional essential oils and seeds. For the sake of this article, we’ll call anything referring to industrial hemp “CBD supplements” and anything referring to hemp seed or hemp oil “non-CBD supplements.”
CBD supplements
CBD is, by now, known for its potential health benefits, though more research needs to be done on this topic. Depending on what you’re seeking, you will find a wide array of CBD supplements in today’s market. Check out HHO’s cannabidiol web page for our buying guide to help you sort through the products that might help with your specific needs.
One of the first things the guide does is direct awareness to servings and then to the products that will help. Tinctures like the ones from Dixie Botanicals, Cibdex or Tasty Hemp Oil are great CBD supplements. Products like sprays, bars, and capsules are available too, should you prefer those methods for taking your supplements.
This may be an overwhelming amount of variety, but keep in mind that you want to sort through the products based on your personal needs and what is going to fit into your lifestyle.
Non-CBD supplements
For people looking for non-CBD supplements (i.e., hemp seeds and/or oil), there are equally as many options. This supplement may play a roll in a person’s need for essential fatty acids. The oil can be used in things as simple as salad dressing and can also be taken in capsule form. Hemp protein powder is also quite popular as a supplement. It has become a rather tasty alternative to other protein products, which can be rather distasteful. Do be conscious, however, of your protein needs whether you are a high-level athlete or simply keep fit, as “the protein portion of hemp is not a complete protein source” ( This does not mean that hemp is not a viable option, just that you may need to do your homework. Take a look at this method of getting the most from your non-CBD supplement as a protein source.
Another fun fact is that hemp may do wonders externally, namely for your skin and hair!
What we can take away from all this is that hemp is extremely versatile. That said, monitor your reactions to these supplements and their combinations. What kind of results have you produced? What needs improving? What works great? In this way, you’ll be able to better judge what your CBD intake should be.
Doing some research and experimenting for yourself is key in creating a winning system. The same goes for taking non-CBD supplements in order to get the most from your use.