Progress? The 4 Pro-Pot Presidential Candidates

Donald Trump Marijuana

For Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump marijuana legalization is something they can actually agree upon. Jill Stein and Gary Johnson make up this gang of 4, unanimous in their agreement. A whopping 89% of Americans think medical marijuana should be legalized for adult use. And the advocates of medical marijuana are hopeful that […]

States That Have Medical Marijuana Laws

States That Have Medical Marijuana

Something interesting appears to be happening in the US. States that have medical marijuana laws have noticed decreases in painkiller prescriptions and opioid-related deaths. According to a recent report published in Health Affairs, doctors working in states where marijuana is legal prescribed an average of around 1,800 fewer doses of painkillers per year between 2010 […]

The NAIHC: Fighting for Progress One State at a Time


The NAIHC — North American Industrial Hemp Council — has been fighting for the rights of the industrial hemp industry for decades. But why do these rights matter? As you possibly know from perusing our website a bit, both CBD and hemp products are legal imports, but it has remained mostly illegal for industrial hemp […]

Is Cannabis Oil Legal?

Is Cannabis Oil Legal

The Difference between Cannabis Oil, CBD Oil and Marijuana Oil   Cannabis oil, CBD oil, and marijuana oil are all somewhat synonymous but with key differences. We have a helpful infographic for you to get a better understanding of hemp oil vs. cannabis oil. Meanwhile, what’s important is to make the distinction between “marijuana” and […]

Hemp Production in Kentucky Now Under Way After Legal Hitch


The month of May 2014 saw a legal fight between the U.S.Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and the state of Kentucky. This was caused by the state’s plans to start production of industrial hemp after a freeze of about 40 years. The DEA took into custody about 250 pounds of the state’s hemp seeds. This is a […]

The Effects of Charlotte’s Web Bill Becoming Law in Florida


There was excitement as the Charlotte’s Web bill passed through the Florida senate in April. This excitement was followed with celebrations when Governor Rick Scott signed it into law on Monday the 16th of June, 2014. In a statement, the governor said, “As a father and grandfather, you never want to see kids suffer. The […]

How the Georgia Cannabidiol Bill Can Help Save this 4 Year-Old

Georgia Cannabidiol Bill

It all started a few weeks ago when Georgia State Representative Allen Peake visited four-year-old Haleigh Cox, the daughter of one of his constituents. He witnessed first-hand the devastating effects of Haleigh’s disorder, a condition that afflicted the young child with close to a hundred seizures a day. The little girl’s parents told him about […]

The Dilemma Caused by State Recreational Marijuana Laws


State Recreational Marijuana Laws Even with the progress that can be witnessed across the country, the push to embrace medical marijuana has never been an easy undertaking. Recreational marijuana faces even harsher odds despite the fact that, according to NORML, it is the third most popular drug used for pleasure after alcohol and tobacco. In […]

Will New US Medical Marijuana Laws Change How We Think of Pot?


On March 30, 2014, the Denver Post published an article entitled Non Psychoactive CBD oil made from marijuana plants poised to be game-changer. In this article, John Ingold, who has been writing about marijuana for close to a decade, delved into the discussion of whether medical marijuana legislation sweeping across the United States is good […]

Cannabidiol Bill SC Ammended: What it Means for You

cannabidiol bill sc

In a big step forward for patients suffering from intractable epilepsy in South Carolina, an amended bill that proposes access to cannabidiol oil for epilepsy patients with a medical prescription has passed the SC Senate. The bill now moves to the House of Representatives. The Story Behind the Cannabidiol Bill SC It’s a scenario playing out […]

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