How Adding CBD to Your Coffee Will Boost Your Day

How Adding CBD to Your Coffee Will Boost Your Day

Whether you love the taste of espresso or hate early mornings, nothing beats a cup of coffee in the morning. Providing the characteristic pep and warmth, the classic cup of joe has gone through numerous iterations over the years, from lattes and cappuccinos to flat whites and cold brew. Coffee keeps you awake and focused, […]

CBD Suppositories vs. CBD Edibles

CBD Suppositories vs. CBD Edibles

The CBD landscape has gotten larger and broader, offering you a variety of different forms and concentrations of CBD to choose from. From tinctures and oils to balms and creams, gone are the days of having to rely only on smoking and vaping for your CBD needs. While CBD edibles still remain one of the […]

Why CBD Edibles Are on the Rise

CBD infused edibles

CBD edibles are expected to be THE breakout nutrition trend of 2019. Sales are skyrocketing across the globe. Interest in CBD edibles spans across all adult demographics, regardless of age and gender. So what’s driving this trend? The Rise of CBD-Infused Edibles Research shows significant interest in CBD edibles among Millennials who are beginning to […]

Cannabis Coconut Oil (Wake And Bake): Tasty THC Treats Today

Cannabis Coconut Oil

How to Create the Best Cannabis Infusion Using Coconut Oil Cooking with cannabis can be one of the most creative and rewarding activities you can do in the kitchen. But to get cannabis into a state where it can be used for cooking, baking, and topical application, it must be infused first (unless you buy […]

How To Make Your Own CBD Edibles

CBD Edibles

Have you ever wanted to learn how to make your own CBD edibles? Making your own CBD edibles is not only a great way to save money; it’s also the perfect way to make snacks you love that contain exactly the right cannabinoid content for your unique health needs and taste. If you’re curious about what […]

Why Is Hemp Protein So Popular?


Do you know about protein supplements? As you browse the health food store aisles and stare at the multitude of protein products crowding the shelves, you may be wondering which one you should choose, if any. You might also have noticed an increasing number of products containing hemp. But what is hemp protein, and is […]

How to Make High CBD Edibles That Work


What are CBD Edibles? Before you get down to making CBD edibles, it’s useful to know exactly what CBD is. (For any questions involving cannabidiol, we recommend visiting our resource page about cannabidiol, where we tell you everything you’ve ever wanted to know in depth.)   Most people, when they think of marijuana or cannabis, […]

The Buzz on Cannabis Infused Honey

Cannabis Infused Honey

There’s honey, and then there’s cannabis infused honey. The first is sweet and packed with health-boosting properties. The second is the same—only better. This article will delve deeper into the benefits of honey and share, not one, but two simple ways you can combine honey and cannabis for a delicious homemade treat. Love the Bees […]

High CBD Edibles: Which Edibles Contain the Most CBD?

High CBD Edibles

Before getting into high CBD edibles, we should start by explaining what CBD is.  For a more detailed explanation, you can see our resource page about cannabidiol, but to summarize, CBD is a cannabinoid, one of the many cannabinoids found in the Cannabis Sativa plant. THC is also a cannabinoid, but cannabinoids vary widely regarding […]

Meet the Bees Making Honey from Cannabis

Bees Making Honey From Cannabis

From drinking chocolate to bath bombs, there’s no shortage of innovative cannabis-infused products. Now, thanks to an industrious hive of bees, you can add honey to the list. These bees making honey from cannabis are under the watchful eye of 39-year-old beekeeper Nicolas Trainer, otherwise known as Nicolas Trainerbees. Based in France, Mr. Trainer is […]

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