Is Cannabidiol Legal? What’s it’s Current Legal Status?
[This article is part of our on going tutorial about Cannabidiol]
As we’ve seen in our “What is CBD?” article, Cannabidiol (CBD) is perhaps one of the most misunderstood dietary supplements available today.
This is made even more clear when you try to figure out whether CBD is legal or not. There simply are no great resources to lay it all out for you.
While we don’t have all the answers, we’ll try to explain Cannabidiol’s current legal status as best we can. We’ll also discuss a few things about the future legality of CBD as well as some country-specific information.
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One of the most common questions we are asked is… “is cbd oil legal?” This is a tricky question, because Cannabidiol comes in two main forms. Cannabidiol can come from medical marijuana plants or from industrially grown hemp plants. Both are varieties of Cannabis, but they are grown for different purposes, and each one comes with its own legal status.
In addition to the above complication, you must also consider your country or state to figure out whether Cannabidiol is legal in your area. But first, let’s discuss the two types of Cannabidiol.
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Cannabidiol from Medical Marijuana
The first form of Cannabidiol is extracted from medical marijuana plants. These plants are grown to be high in CBD but have varying amounts of the psychoactive compound THC. They are sold to licensed dispensaries and prescribed by doctors for particular conditions in places where marijuana is regulated — like the US.
While medical marijuana is grown to be high in CBD for the treatment of specific ailments, the THC content can vary dramatically, sometimes getting as high as the CBD content. For an excellent example of the types of marijuana you may find in a licensed dispensary, see this Strain Book. It shows you the types of plants, the percentages of CBD and THC, and even the taste and effects of the stain.
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The problem with medical marijuana (besides the possibility of getting a strain that is high in THC) is that it’s not currently legal everywhere. In the United States, you must be living in certain states and obtain a prescription from a doctor to receive medical marijuana.
This restriction has even caused people to move to other states simply to get their hands on Cannabidiol legally for their families.
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Cannabidiol from Industrial Hemp
Cannabidiol oil that comes from industrial hemp plants, like the products found on our website, are a different story. The FDA of the United States considers hemp oil (and it’s derivative CBD) to be a dietary supplement (not a medication), since they are made from industrial hemp plants.
If you live in the US, this means you don’t need a prescription and can legally purchase and consume Cannabidiol in any state.
Cannabidiol from industrial hemp also has the added benefit of having virtually no THC. This is why it’s not possible to get “high” with our products. There simply isn’t enough THC.
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Is Cannabidiol Legal in My Country?
If you live in the US, the legal status is clear. Cannabidiol made from industrial hemp is legal to purchase and consume in any state. However, if you obtain Cannabidiol from medical marijuana, you must be located in a state in which medical marijuana has been legalized.
Unfortunately, outside of the United States the legal status is more confusing. Since regulations can vary for each country, we recommend that you reach out to your country’s customs department. Ask if you can import dietary supplements from the US. If you are allowed to do this, then you should be good to receive our products.
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Will Cannabidiol Remain Legal?
While no one can answer this question with absolute certainty, recent studies indicate that CBD might have no negative side effects at all. Until research proves otherwise, the legal status of Cannabidiol is safe and will remain unchanged for the foreseeable future. Therefore, it seems that you can safely consume CBD without worry as long as it contains only traces amounts of THC (like CBD Supplements made from hemp not marijuana).
Finally, we believe that informed customers are happy customers. So, while we’ve provided plenty of resources (like our Buy Cannabidiol Guide), we strongly encourage you to do your own research on CBD and its potential benefits.
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