A Natural Approach to Treating Anxious Feelings
There are many different ways to help ease feelings of anxiety naturally. When integrated into your life, they may do wonders to help reduce your stress levels and create a sense of calm.
Whether stress and anxious feelings keep you from enjoying social situations or has you feeling like you’re coming undone, there are natural ways to treat it.
Try any of the following natural methods that may help calm your feelings of anxiety.
3 Ways to Naturally Calm Feelings of Anxiety
1. Essential Oils
Aromatherapy has been used for centuries to enhance both mental and physical health and wellness. Essential oils, the active compounds found in plants and flowers, have long been used to help increase mood and reduce stress.
Essential oils are most often used in aromatherapy, which involves the inhaling of an essential oil (or blend of essential oils). They can also be used topically and sometimes orally. Whatever method is used, the potentially healing compounds of essential oils can be found in the bloodstream in as few as five minutes.
What this means for you is quick stress relief in an all-natural way. Different essential oils are used for many different ailments in the body.
Lavender is well known for its calming effects, but did you know there are several different essential oils that do wonders to also create a sense of calm and relaxation? The following essential oils are all known to do so:
- Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)
- Rose (Rosa damascene)
- Clary Sage (Salvia sclera)
- Orange (Citrus sinensis)
- Bergamot (Citrus aurantium)
- Sandalwood (Santalum album)
Find a scent you love (or make your own blend), and either inhale it or dab it on like perfume throughout the day. Essential oils may help calm feelings of stress while pleasing the senses at the same time.
2. Meditation
If you suffer from feelings of anxiety, you’re aware of the endless thoughts that continuously run through your mind. Meditation is an excellent tool to help quiet these thoughts and calm the mind. When practiced over time, it can lead to profound changes in your life.
Several scientific studies have indicated that meditation can be successful in helping to treat anxiety. One study showed how meditation may have helped alleviate anxiety on a neural level. Another conducted by the Department of Psychology at Stanford highlighted how well mindful meditation worked to improve a variety of stress-related feelings.
While meditation won’t provide immediate effects, over time it can help tremendously. Just 5-10 minutes a day may bring you closer to calm and a life less steeped in needless worry.
3. Exercise
Getting regular exercise is one of the best natural methods for feelings of anxiety. When you exercise, the brain releases “feel-good” chemicals. It also helps you take your mind off whatever is fueling your anxious thoughts. Getting your body moving helps to raise body temperature, which has been shown to increase feelings of relaxation.
What’s the best exercise to help calm your mind and body? Whatever feels good to you. We don’t all enjoy the same types of physical activity, nor is there one that’s “better” than another to help you achieve your goals.
If you’re looking for an exercise suggestion, try yoga. Not only is it great exercise, but it also focuses on breathing techniques that work to quiet the mind. There’s definitely a reason it’s become so popular in recent years. Yoga’s not just good for the body; it works excellently to calm the body and help promote peace of mind.
Whether you choose to meditate a few moments each day and exercise regularly or use essential oils to soothe the senses, there are natural options you can explore to see what works best for you.
What are some of your favorite methods of natural stress relief? We’d love to hear what’s worked for you. Please let us know in the comments below.