The Quick Answer:
Question: Can You Legally Buy THC Oil?
Answer: Yes, but you must be living in a US State that has approved Cannabis oil for sale for medical or recreational use. However, if you don’t live in one of these states, you can use CBD oil made from hemp to get the same benefits as THC oil.
THC Oil, Cannabis Oil, Marijuana Oil, CBD Oil, and Hemp oil—these terms are often used interchangeably, but they often refer to different oils. So what’s really the difference? See below for the breakdown or check out our Best CBD Oil to learn about our top selling health supplements.
Table Of Contents
What is THC Oil? Is it legal?
What is Cannabis Oil? Is it legal?
What is Marijuana Oil? Is it legal?
What is CBD Oil? Is it legal?
What is Hemp Oil? Is it legal?
Which Oils are Legal to Buy?
What is THC Oil? Is it legal?
THC oil is created by extracting the THC compound from marijuana. THC is the compound responsible for producing a “high” feeling in its users, as well as other medicinal effects. This oil is highly regulated in the US and across the world. THC oil is not legal by federal law, but it is legal in states that allow for recreational or medicinal use of cannabis with a doctor’s prescription.
What is Cannabis Oil? Is it legal?
Cannabis oil refers to any concentrated extract made from cannabis. Cannabis oil can technically come from either hemp or marijuana, since both are varieties of the cannabis plant, but it typically refers to oil made from marijuana, which contains a much higher level of THC than hemp. Cannabis oil that comes from marijuana is highly regulated in the US and across the world. Federal law makes cannabis oil illegal, but cannabis oil is legal in states allowing for recreational usage, as well as states that allow for medicinal use with a doctor’s prescription.
What is Marijuana Oil? Is it legal?
Marijuana oil is created by extracting the THC compound (and other cannabinoids) from marijuana (the high-THC version of cannabis). It is used medically and recreationally for its high THC content. This oil is highly regulated in the US and across the world. Marijuana oil is not federally legal, but it may be used in states allowing for the recreational and medicinal use of marijuana oil. The latter requires a doctor’s prescription.
What is CBD Oil? Is it legal?
CBD oil is created by extracting the CBD compound from the stems, stalks, and leaves of the hemp plant. This is turned into products that are used to calm and relax the body and mind. CBD oil contains negligible amounts of THC and is therefore considered a food supplement in the US (unlike THC oil, marijuana oil, and cannabis oil). You can obtain CBD oil from reputable websites online or in your local dispensaries. CBD oil is technically not legal on a federal level, but the Hemp Farming Act of 2018 is close to passage and would make industrial hemp and its products, including CBD oil, legal. CBD oil is legal in states that allow recreational and medicinal marijuana usage. Some states specifically only allow CBD oil use. Many states that allow for medicinal CBD oil have restrictions that require the oil to have little to no THC.
What is Hemp Oil? Is it legal?
Hemp oil typically refers to hemp seed oil, which is made by a completely different process than CBD oil. Hemp seed oil is cold-pressed from the hemp seeds only. This contains no cannabinoids and can be used as a cooking oil. It also contains high levels of healthy Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. This oil is not regulated in the US or across the world, and it can be found in most health food stores. As hemp seed oil is a food product that contains no cannabinoids, it is perfectly legal throughout the country.
Which Oils are Legal to Buy?
While you may want to buy THC oil online to enjoy for any purpose you desire, the fact is that THC oil, marijuana oil, and cannabis oil (unless made from industrial hemp) are illegal to buy online.
There are a few websites that do offer it for sale, but this is an illegal activity that is not recommended.
However, you have two options to acquire your oils legally…
- If you live in a state where the use of recreational or medical marijuana is legal, you can buy it from a dispensary.
- If you do not live in a state where marijuana is legal, a great alternative is to use CBD oil.
What is CBD Oil?
CBD oil, which is also known as cannabidiol oil, is a legal alternative to THC oil, and it is available for sale in all US states, as well as many places around the world. It is just one of over 100 compounds derived from cannabis, and it is separate from THC. THC gives users a “high” due to its psychotropic properties, but this is not the case with CBD oil.
CBD oil provides you with many of the same benefits as THC oil, including the ability to relax and get better sleep. However, it does not have any psychotropic properties. This is why it remains a legal substance.
The Benefits of CBD Oil
While you may be looking for the best legal options to buy THC oil, you may find that CBD oil offers considerable benefits without the downsides or the legal consequences associated with THC oil. For example, CBD oil can reduce nausea and vomiting, fight inflammation, give you the benefits of antioxidants, and improve your mood and sleep patterns.
Take the Next Step
If you are ready to learn more about the potential benefits of CBD oil, you can read our Ultimate Guide to Cannabidiol before you place an order.
There are a number of products available for legal purchase with shipping available to all 50 states, and you can learn more about some of the best-selling CBD products under the Best CBD Oil section of our website.
Still curious about the legalities of THC, cannabis, and marijuana oil? Read on.
Is Hemp Oil Legal? That Depends.
It’s nice to know CBD oil extracted from hemp is legal across the US. Yet when it comes to hemp extracts containing THC, legal barriers remain—along with many questions. What, for example, is the difference between oil extracted from hemp and medical marijuana? What is and isn’t legal where you live, and for how long? All your questions about hemp products and the law—answered.
How to Enjoy the Potential Benefits of Hemp Oil
There are two types of CBD oil: one derived from hemp and the other from medical marijuana. Products at are legal in all 50 US states and many parts of the world. Depending on where you live, other CBD products may be subject to restrictions. Find out why.
Tackling Outdated Marijuana Laws—State by State
Can you legally use marijuana? That depends on your area code. While a handful of states are poised to follow the trail blazed by Oregon and Colorado, others seem to be moving in the opposite direction. Some allow for recreational use and others for medicinal purposes. Four states allow both. There are eight states likely to remain holdouts for the foreseeable future. What about yours?
41 Responses
Keep on working, great job!
I have a friend of mine both of us are preachers of the gospel of Jesus Christ Dwane was diagnosed with Pancreatic cancer need help finding the oil with the thc he is alkaline 7.4 He is taking apricots b-17 jucing we are hitting this from all angles. Can anyone help?
yes try smoking dried rose petals and fresh black and peppermint , tea along with fruit and cinammon tea along with your marijuana if your friend smokes marijuana that is actually the cure for
all cancers
Try Xango juice, it is the most powerful antioxidant!
please go to your nearest oncologist.
Deliveries 24/7 everywhere!!!! very clean smelling, awesome taste and
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I am looking to buy for my autistic son, he’s almost 9th old.
9th old? I see where he gets his autism.
You’re an idiot!!!
Dude, what are you? 9th years old too?
Here is my story..
My wife was diagnosed with a cancer, ( before i learnt of Rick Simpsons oil / RSO ) the hospital said to do chemotherapy and radiotherapy.. she did.. and went through a lot.. but no cure, after a while the doctors said the cancer was spreading and we could look for alternatives.. i searched the internet and found out about the oil.. asked alot of questions.. watched the videos etc.. we made the oil our selves but it couldn’t just work out we were doing more harm than good and the cancer was still there spreading, i searched more on the internet i found a testimony on how a lady got the oil via an email, i immediately copied the email:, i wrote to this very email and in an hour later i got a reply back asking me some few questions, and enlightened me on how to get the oil in the next 48hours, i placed my order and in the next 48hours the medication oil got to us. immediately my wife started using the oil, it been two months now, since my wife has been using the medication oil and the cancerous problems are gone this very fact was clarified by the doctor.
i put up this piece of testimony for the sake of those once who need this oil to please don’t die in silence their is a cure for your cancer today email and get the oil.
Benjamin: what oil are you specifically talking about? I am new to this, but my cousin is diagnosed with bone and lung cancer. They are telling him it is terminal, there is not much they can do. If he doesn’t get worse, they will start a chemo pill treatment in two weeks. I have already copied the email address you provided: , thank you for that and for sharing your story. Please let me know what it is I should be asking about. TBC oil or THC oil? I wish the best outcome for your wife. Lee
cannabinoids bath the neuro transmitters protecting them from the processed cannabis concentrate. You will have to seek out someone to point you to the right stains.
I just want to warn everyone about Jimmy Kush aka Willy Pharmy. This is nothing but a scam artist. They scam my sick wife out of hundreds of dollars and they will keep asking for more money saying your order is being held by some one an you have to send (X) more amounts of dollars, hundreds more on top of what you pay to get it release. Then later that will hit you with a shipping fee after they collect your money and say this is mandatory procedures to either send a few more hundreds or they can’t deliver or give your money back. Then after that asking for a smaller fee for the delivery person. And in the end they will disappear and say tat they couldn’t deliver your product. They have took hundreds from her and never cared about cancer of anything she was going through. This is the information they are putting on sites like this one. They will rip you off. Jimmy Kush • 20 days ago
Medical marijuanna/Shatter oil available to cure Glaucoma, control epileptic
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Bait and switch. From what I read, CBD is VERY low in THC and therefore will not get you high. Read before you buy and be sure you are getting what will meet your needs. Further, look at reviews for individual sellers before using your hard earned $$$
I’m a CBD user and a long time Pot smoker and I totally agree with your statement. If you really want to get high real weed is the only product.
CBD is cool but it won’t get you high.
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My Sister was diagnosed with breast cancer and she was at the point of death, with cancer of the Breast in it final stage is now back alive and she is so healthy now. Thanks to Rick simpson cannabis oil that we bought at:, the Hemp oil was successfully used in curing my mother breast cancer within 3 months as stated in phoenix tear.
Once again i want to thank Rick Simpson for his wonderful Hemp Oil we are now happy family with my sister back alive, strong and healthy.
You can contact for your own medication at:
I suffer from social Anxiety agoraphobia social phobia and depression since over 15 years and I can’t go out alone as I feel somewhat alienated or maybe scared of the outside world , depression and loss of any enthusiasm towards life waking up etc . Doctors are unable to cure me . Psychologists neither nor any of medical xanax and cognitive behavioural therapy . I will not ruin myself with Xanax or anything like that which is stupidly legal instead of cannabis which is natural should be legal . I do not have past drug nor alcohol history whatsoever . It’s just I was bullied in my teens 15 or so years ago and been brought up in a unsteady background or just overprotective. My back problems are also a problem and injections by doctors have only made the issue worse
maybe someone know ?
Thankyou !! 🙂
you can get it from amazon in the uk. type cbd into amazon and there are loads. i buy cbd brothers cbd oil.
contact Rick Simpson if you need cannabis oil to cure your cancer.
Rick Simpson Oil. Cure for some cancers. I hope this helps. It is very hard to find but search deeply.
I am in PA and suffer from severe chronic pain. Any suggestions? Gregg do u have some information I can look at?
I order and pay them and that Doctor Ferguson never sent me canbabis ! Don’t order have any business with them !
I payd with Western union and don’t trust them ! Never sent me the oil for my sister and she is sick women ! Do you believe in Got ????
Harry Ferguson is layer !!! Don’t send many to them because I lost my many , he never sent me cannabis !!!! I payd him using Western union and when he got my many he text me to sent him $1530 more and he will se me the oils ! Mafia !!!!!!
Who was God specifically speaking to?
Why is it that the only commandment that Jesus never reiterated was the Sabbath.
Furthermore, why did Paul, who the spirit was speaking through, specifically say that what you eat or what day you worship has no effect. What you speak of are no essentials to salvation. They were laws giv n to show that we cannot do anything to obtain salvation by our own merit. It is only through Christ that we are saved.
Unfortunately THC oil is not legal in all 50 states, it can only be aquired through federally approved dispensaries on states where medical marijuana is legal. This is why we choose to exclusively sell CBD oil which is legal in all 50 states.
Don’t know this much about the oils trying to learn
I took Xanax for 15 years until my doctor told me that it’s been recently discovered that taking Xanax longer than 6 months makes you at 50% more risk for dementia. I stopped taking it right away, with her help/guidance.