Whoopi Goldberg Marijuana Products for Women
Marijuana has been an important part of Whoopi Goldberg’s life recently. Now, the Oscar-winning star of Ghost is lending her name and her financial might to a new medical Whoopi Goldberg marijuana venture designed entirely for women.
The comedian and actress has never shied away from marijuana use, discussing it publicly on a number of occasions. She now joins a number of fellow celebrities who are endorsing cannabis products, including Bob Marley’s family, Willie Nelson and, unsurprisingly, Snoop Dogg.
Whoopi’s company, Whoopi & Maya (which she co-founded with medical marijuana industry veteran Maya Elisabeth) will find its niche in the marketplace by targeting their marijuana-infused products to women. These will include a tincture, a balm, a bath soak, and sipping chocolate.
To begin with, the products will only be available in marijuana dispensaries in the state of California to residents with medical marijuana cards. These cards are only available via a doctor’s recommendation.
By launching in the Golden State, the company is dipping their toe into one of the world’s largest marijuana marketplaces; California boasts a staggering $2.7 billion in sales last year alone. And this marketplace could be set to explode with Californians heading to the polls to vote on a ballot measure to legalize recreational marijuana use.
Herbal Healers & Chocolate Lovers
As Whoopi’s business partner Elisabeth contends, women have always been herbal healers. These products are being designed and positioned to compete with the more commercially available herbal remedies to potentially help women tackle the pain and cramps caused by periods.
As a prolific and award-winning creator of medical marijuana products and a founder of edible marijuana products cooperative Om Edibles, Maya Elisabeth is excited by the prospect of women feeling comfortable using cannabis to treat their discomfort.
And it’s this appreciation of herbal medicine that marks the company’s products as somewhat different from their competitors’. Take, for instance, the tincture; crammed full of medicinal herbs, red raspberry, motherwort, passionflower, organic honey, elderberries, and, of course, sun-grown cannabis, it has clearly been designed to speak to its female customer base.
Meanwhile, another incredibly popular treatment among women for PMS is chocolate, and this hasn’t gone unnoticed by Whoopi & Maya. The organic raw cacao they are using in their product contains a very high amount of antioxidants, which serve to release a great deal of happiness hormones, in turn creating a pleasant, soothing effect.
Chocolate is effective as it contains iron, which women crave during their periods. It’s also full of micronutrients and enters the body through the endocannabinoid receptor system, just like the cannabinoids in Whoopi & Maya products.
The Grass Ceiling
Although not entirely legal (marijuana is still deemed illegal at a Federal level) in the US, there’s no denying it’s big business. It now employs tens of thousands of people in cultivating, packaging, and selling cannabis.
And while it’s still a growing industry, it is also an industry dominated by men. Goldberg and Elisabeth hope to change this with their Whoopi & Maya line of products and smash through the so-called “grass ceiling” in the process.
The fact of the matter is that it’s very difficult to start a marijuana-related business as a minority – or, indeed, as a woman. Rules tend to benefit established business owners with clean criminal records and access to funding, marginalizing otherwise willing entrepreneurs.
Whoopi’s involvement is, therefore, being seen as a huge positive for women and the African-American community.
The state director of the Drug Policy Alliance in Colorado, Art Way, told MSNBC that Whoopi can help bring more credibility to the industry and also erase the “respectability politics” stigma around legally selling drugs, which still exists in some parts of the black community.
And with fewer than three dozen of the three thousand-plus marijuana dispensaries in the US-owned and operated by African-Americans (according to a report in Buzzfeed), having such a recognized and mainstream figure become involved in this burgeoning industry can only be a good thing.
Making A Difference For Women (in California)
The reasoning behind this Whoopi Goldberg marijuana initiative is crystal clear. She does not want to become the de facto face of the marijuana industry; rather, she wants to help women feel better and avoid discomfort.
She states that this is a product that has been designed for function. “You can put it in your purse. You can put the rub on your lower stomach and lower back at work, and then when you get home, you can get in the tub for a soak or make tea, and it allows you to continue to work throughout the day.”
It’s obvious that there’s a passion for this venture. She speaks of her grown granddaughters suffering from painful menstrual cramps and wanting to do something to help. With her investment and the financial backing of a few friends and family, she views this as “a nice, quiet way” of being part of this industry.
Their products are due to hit the shelves of five California dispensaries later this month, and as previously mentioned, due to the ongoing Federal ban on the substance, it will only be available in California until further notice.
It will be interesting to see just where they can take the company, especially in light of the pending legislative changes in the state and further afield with regard to recreational marijuana use.
To find out more about Whoopi & Maya, visit their website: https://whoopiandmaya.com/.
What do you think of this Whoopi Goldberg marijuana foray into the world of medical marijuana? Will it help change wider perceptions of the industry? Will her products be able to compete with other herbal remedies? Tell us your thoughts in the comments.
3 Responses
Most definitely, the products that are mentioned here, and whatever new products that come in the future are sure to rise to the top very quickly. Many, if not most of the herbal remedies now on the market work better after you have been consuming them for a while. While anyone who has used canibus knows, it tends to work quickly, and gives a feeling of well being afterword, with no bad side effects.
This is a strong phytoesterogen depending on the strain. Good medicine…for someone who wants that. Bad for men! I have known several ladies who have used cannabis for menopause.