Let’s start by looking at THC. THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is the compound found in cannabis with psychotropic properties. Medical marijuana companies breed their plants to have the highest concentrations of this compound. It is associated with the feeling of being high that marijuana smokers experience. Effects include feelings of euphoria, pain relief and sometimes increased anxiety and paranoia.
On the other hand, CBD can be associated with many of the opposing effects of THC.
THC works on the endocannabinoid system in a different way from CBD, so although it is a similar compound, it does not have these benefits. However, research has shown that THC can have a positive influence over pain relief, PTSD, poor appetite and more.
CBD Hemp Oil vs Cannabis CBD: Which one?
So, as discussed, the main difference when thinking of CBD hemp oil vs cannabis CBD are the differences in levels of CBD and THC the oil contains. Hemp Oil has high levels of CBD and negligible levels of THC and vice versa for cannabis.
CBD has positive implications in a vast number of illnesses and has been shown to boost general health, hair and skin. Research isn’t conclusive here, although it is strong, and in the coming years, we are expecting to see more and more evidence. THC, on the other hand, can benefit other disorders but comes with drawbacks, such as the feelings of being high and possible induction of feelings of anxiety and paranoia and more.
Further to this, CBD is legal whereas THC is not. To use medical marijuana, it has to be legal in the state that you live in plus you need a doctor to prescribe it. Hemp CBD is much more accessible and can be bought from many outlets.
Hemp CBD has also been shown to be safe to use by all, children, pregnant or nursing women, and those who cannot take pharmaceutical medicines who may want to use it as an alternative remedy.
It would seem that the strong research supporting the hemp oil benefits, its safety and ease of use and purchase puts it in front of cannabis CBD when comparing the two. Whilst cannabis CBD does have its benefits, its drawbacks seem to outweigh these, and given the positives of hemp CBD and its lack of drawbacks hemp CBD seems a clear winner.
When choosing between hemp CBD and cannabis CBD, hemp seems to be the best option.
At Healthy Hemp Oil, you can find a wide range of hemp-derived CBD oil products to improve your health and wellbeing. All of our products are third-party lab tested to ensure quality, purity, concentration levels, and efficacy. If those test results do not pass our high standards, we will not sell the product. Every batch is tested and we are happy to provide a Certificate of Analysis as per request for any one of our supplements. We care about providing you with the best product for your specific needs.
What are your thoughts on the differences between hemp CBD and cannabis CBD? Do you agree that hemp outshines in this comparison? Please leave your thoughts in the comments section.
29 Responses
This article is utter rubbish.
CBD is CBD and it makes no difference whether it comes from industrial hemp or any other strain of cannabis.
I understand what you are saying, ie CBD molecule is the CBD molecule from either plant…it is the levels of CBD vs THC that the author is discussing regarding the two “species”. That is the take away that I got from reading the article.
The CBD to THC ratio is very important! Hemp is full of CBD with some strains having a small amount of THC. cannabis strains may not have any CBD in them or small amounts of it only.
Can’t really separate them both unless you spend a lot of cash and time to do so… Not practical for commercial cultivation.
Let’s not even talk about terpenoids that vary with strains :p
Plus if you take CBD make sure you get the legal E.U minimum of THC in the oil… Very very very important… CBD without THC can have negative effects that are canceled by that little drop of THC and vice versa the same… Don’t go 100% THC or 100% CBD plus make sure your oil extracts come from a good source and not laced with heavy metals.
While I agree that CBD is CBD, the problem is that many laws do not agree with that. Many laws in the states for example prohibit the sale of marijuana based products (Wether they are high or low in CBD).
So while the strain of Cannabis might not matter to the end user, it sure matters to many governing bodies, and therefore certain types are more accessible that others.
This makes a huge difference to those who are looking for use it regardless of the strain.
The Government does not care what the plant looks like, the only thing they care about is that the plant when tested for THC registers less then what they say is legal to differentiate between hemp and marijuana . So if you take two identical plants and one test as less then 3% THC it is then considered hemp!
The article says betwee. 0.3 to 1.5% THC in hemp not up to 3%. Hemp is high in CBD’s naturally. I use it as an anti-inflammatory because I’m allergic to NSAIDS and have arthritis and it works well.
This is a scammer
Hi Hat Man, My name is Lindsey and I work with the Customer Support Team here at Healthy Hemp Oil. I do not know what has prompted you to speak these words, but we are not scammers. Healthy Hemp Oil is a very honest and reliable company with 1082 Certified Reviews along with 4 out 5 stars. We get all of our products tested by third party companies for quality and purity. If those test results do not pass our high standards, we will not sell the product. Ever batch is tested and we are happy to provide a Certificate of Analysis as per requested for any one of our supplements. While there are many companies out there that are scamming people, we are not one of them. Please feel free to reach out by sending an e-mail to support@healthyhempoil.com with any other questions or concerns and we would be happy to help clear anything up for you.
How can I get some oil?
Where can I get some?
You can see and order all our products in the following page:
Do not send money
This article is all “fluff” with no supporting evidence just words. All of these writings by Brandon Nolte are vague generalizations and definitions, cantaining only the writers opionon. There are no data or reputable sources to back him up.
Don’t waste your money! If you see bs, hear bs and sense bs. It’s bs
You’re certainly welcome to your opinion too… But there are lots of actual scientific studies done on CBD that are not opinions. Several of which were pointed to in this article.
If you don’t like our writing, than you are more than welcome to check out other websites instead… But please don’t slander our articles, because there are lots of people who get value out of them.
NO SLANDER HERE! the PRO’s of medical MJ have consistantly been tested & stated that CBD’s from Cannabis work much better with the TWO combined, CBD & THC! I’ve tried the Hemp CBD & found NOTHING noticeable happening!I have PTSD & Anxiety issues! The amount of CBD in Hemp oil sellers seems very low.
Just watched a special Dateline yesterday on CBD, very interesting and informative. You might want to try and see it.
Mom went through chemo last year and now had a double mastectomy today.. May have to go through chemo again.. Trying to get her on cbd oil but she said she read that it’s not good for people with afib . Is this true ? Thanks !
Hemp cleans toxins and heavy metals from the soil. Why would I want to us an oil that’s a byproduct loaded with heavy metals? The only safe cbd hemp oil would have to be organically grown in clean soil. Majority of hemp grown is doing its job pulling toxins from the ground, get real and quit spreading misinformation.
gGood day We have cannabis oil, Cannabis wax and hemp oil for cancer available at moderate prices
We also have medical marijuana
Email.. dr.karldaniels@gmail.com for more information or text (619) 289-9094
I love these trolls chiming in here trying to scare the shit out of everybody. If the CBD isn’t made right, it won’t work as well. That’s all. None of this stuff can hurt you unless it’s not actually CBD, or if it’s adulterated with a bunch of weird chemicals. Look, it’s as simple as this: try it; if it doesn’t work, stop. Period.
I am beyond excited about hemp oil CBD. I just got mine in the mail yesterday and started my one month test to see if it will aid in pain reduction and helping to reduce my inflammation associated with my arthritis. I am using cold pressed olive oil and coconut oils as the carrier oil at different stages of the topical and ingested stages of my test. For day 1 I am excited to see not if but how well it will work. I used a 1:1 ratio of coconut oil to hemp oil and messged my knees to start with. It took about 5 minutes for my skin to soak it in. After about 2 hours I realized the burning and staying feeling in my knees was not as bad. At that point I touched my knees and they were markedly cooler than normal as well. One thingi was not expecting is how soft my skin was in that area.i almost lost myself enough to jump for joy. I have been dealing with out of control pain since 1998 for my knees due to injury. That pain due to lack of responsible care from the insurance company that was covering at that time turned into nerve damage. I had to start seeing a pain clinic to monitor the pills I had to be on. Over the years due to falls from the knees giving out I had managed to also cause fractures in my spine along with herniations and bulging discs that put me in a compression brace that caused more pain, but it kept my spine in line. A year and a half ago we hit a pothole that caused swelling and the fractured disc in my neck lead to paralyzasis from the neck down. I’m thankful my neurosurgeon was able to reverse the paralyzasis, but it came at the cost of having to fuse 2 of the discs in my neck and a very long recovery and PT program to first reprogram my muscles to now rebuilding strength. This past year I had a neuro-stimulator implanted on my spine to help decrease my nerve pain. While recovering I happen to see a program on AWE that started me on my research journey to CBD. I do have permission from my Dr to try the hemp oil as we live in a state that has not legalized canibis oil, although it’s back on the Nov ballot. Most of all I am most excited that the product is 100 percent natural and without all of the side effects of lab created drugs that I have come to call”killer pills” because my liver and kidneys are not gonna last if we cannot get my meds reduced significantly ( we have already dropped 4 pills per day with the neuro-stim). I am so excited at the chance of help that this is giving me, as well as regained hope.
Greetings Ms. Raines,
Thank you for your detailed report on your experience with hemp oil. I’m just now starting to do my due diligence and it’s great to read an encounter like yours because it’s quite obvious that your input is genuine. No one would take the time to give as much detail as you did if it were fabricated. So thanks once again!
I have been diagnosed PTSD, Depression and Panic Disorder for 15 years. Im currently on Antidepressants and benzos to treat symptoms. I definately notice a drop in anxiety when i take this product, a more mellowness and peaceful feeling in 10 minutes after taking. Definately not placebo, I would however you increase the concentration and maybe incorporate kava into it to make effects of anxiety relief last longer. Bigger Bottles too! Thanks again
I’m glad to hear that you have found CBD to be as useful as we do! I hope only the best for you in your struggles.
While it’s rare, unfortunately we have received some reports of customers having positive results on drug tests after using our products. This depends mainly on how thorough the test is as sometimes they test for any form of Cannabis in general.
Because of this we usually advice to let your employer know about our products before taking them.