With 2021 upon us, it’s time for a new start and new opportunities to improve yourself in all facets of your life. Whether you have resolutions for the year or are just committed to bettering yourself, we want to help you live your best self in the new year. Here are a handful of CBD products to help you along the way.
1. Sleep Support
According to data from 2014, about 35 percent of adults get less than the recommended 7 hours of sleep per night. That doesn’t consider the quality of sleep, however. Sleep deprivation or a general low quality of sleep may contribute to a variety of health problems and makes getting through the day a real task.
CBD has been studied to see if may potentially help support restful sleep, though additional studies are still needed. Contrary to popular belief, CBD does not act as a sedative. Instead, it works on the body’s endocannabinoid system and may help promote a sense of physical and mental calmness. This could possibly help you relax at night and contribute to your natural sleep-wake cycles without tiring you out during the day.
Beyond CBD products, it’s a good idea to create a regular nighttime routine for when you go to bed as a way to help calm down your mind and ready yourself for peaceful slumber. Avoid electronics and anything with a glowing screen at least an hour before you go to bed.
If you’re interested in trying CBD, we recommend Herbal Renewals: Hemp Oil Spray 1oz (100mg CBD), 2oz (500mg CBD) for its ease of use and fast-acting results – a perfect addition to your bedtime ritual.
2. Post-Workout Routines
The most popular resolutions every year revolve around getting fit. On your journey to personal fitness, you’ll likely deal with plenty of muscle discomfort, which can drag down your workouts and discourage you from maintaining a regular exercise routine.
While oral CBD oils and tinctures are still an option, topical creams infused with CBD offer more localized soothing properties as they don’t have to go through your entire digestive system. Although the exact mechanisms of action still require research, some studies suggest that CBD may help to increase the natural levels of endocannabinoids known for relieving pain. That said, our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any medical conditions and further studies are needed to confirm these early results.
Apply CBD creams and balms to your body after your workouts and before you head to bed.
We recommend Made by Hemp: Cooling CBD Salve (500mg CBD), a topical oil formulated to help you feel refreshed and moisturized after a hard workout.
3. Reduce Stress
Stress has become something of a national epidemic, particularly those in the 25 to 35 age range. Although certain types of stress are normal and even healthy, constant stress causes a flood of chemicals that affect your physiology and can result in disrupted sleep, problems with weight and digestion, and a weakened immune system, on top of general problems with mood and personal relationships.
There is a wide range of things you can and should do to reduce your stress and improve your mood, from breathing exercises and meditation to regular workouts to therapy. CBD products may be a tool you want to add in the arsenal as a possible asset to help reducing stress. While it may require further study, current research supports that CBD may help to reduce stress levels and improve overall mood, though studies are ongoing.
Use CBD oils and edibles alongside other activities, like exercise and spending time around loved ones.
We recommend Tasty Hemp Oil: CBD Softgel Capsules. Each capsule is packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and full-spectrum hemp oil extract.
4. Reward Yourself More Often
When life has been difficult, the best thing you can do is to give yourself the gift of kindness. Pamper yourself when you need it. It will help your mood and keep you going, and CBD products may help in the process. CBD is available in a variety of forms, including bath bombs, creams, and edibles. When you’ve had an especially hard day, treat yourself to a CBD edible. Along with the CBD content, edibles offer a wealth of nourishing ingredients on top of delicious flavors.
We recommend Tasty Hemp Oil: Tasty Cocoas CBD Chocolates 40mg. There’s nothing quite as comforting as a rich, delicious chocolate bar, except for one that is also packed with CBD. Each box contains 2 or 4 pieces containing 10 mg of CBD each.
If you’re new to CBD or still want a little more info, please check out our post on why you shouldn’t be afraid to try CBD. Whatever your goals in the coming year, we hope that you can achieve them with a little help from CBD.